Our Solutions
Today Emilia Informatica is a system integrator with over 40 internal resources. In the name of the company remains the regional root, that Emilia to which we are fond, even if now the operational horizon covers a large part of the Italian territory.
The offer is transversal and adaptable to all needs; our customers are mainly part of PAL (Local Public Administration), SME (Small Medium Enterprises) and the banking and insurance sectors.
To date, all skills are located within the three Business Units: B.U.Maintenance, B.U. Cabling & Networking and B.U. System Management, the latter divided into two areas, open and enterprise technologies.
The target for the future is to continue to deepen skills in a flexible way and in line with developments and changes in the market, providing our customers with solutions and services S.M.A.R.T.:
- Specific: because every customer has its peculiarities;
- Measurable: the customer can assess them in terms of costs/benefitsperché;
- Attractive: because we offer solutions with an innovative approach;
- Attainable: because we offer solutions and services that unite, unify and connect;
- Timing: because solutions have a cost and time is an important variable.